Local Author Unravels Mystery of the Zodiac

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By Scott Seidel

When local author and attorney Joe Cappa called me to say he has solved the mystery of the Zodiac, I have to admit I was a little confused.  I didn’t realize there was still a mystery about the Zodiac to be solved!  I thought it had to do with astrology and was not a mystery at all!  I read up a little bit on the Zodiac online and then went to interview Joe about his book, The Zodiac Decoded and the mystery surrounding it.  While most people associate the Zodiac with astrology or the “Zodiac Killer” from California, there is much more to it according to Joe.  I sat down with him in his living room last month and he proceeded to explain the mystery of the Zodiac to me.

Joe says history tells us the zodiac was first written down by the Sumerians around 2,400-3,000 BC.  It must have been important as it was one of the first things we humans wrote down.  Not only that, it was then passed down to the Babylonians who invented astrology around 1,200 bce.  After the Babylonians, the Greeks adopted the zodiac, and then the Romans, and then to the rest of the world.   During the “dark” ages, it became punishable by death to study the zodiac.  The zodiac was revived during the Renaissance but only as the pseudo-science of astrology.   The question remains, “What was the zodiac for a thousand years before the invention of astrology that was so important that it has been passed down from empire to empire and throughout the ages”?

Joe began to research the zodiac looking for its original meaning.  He found that that almost everything we have been taught about the zodiac is wrong.  For example, we were all taught that the word zodiac means “Circle of Animals” however the literal translation is “Exalted Circle of Life”.  Joe theorized that the zodiac symbols, in the order they were in had to have an original meaning that was somehow lost or forgotten over the ages.  The trick, he said, is to relearn how to read the zodiac.

Joe found that by reading the zodiac starting with the constellation Capricorn, and going clockwise across our sky, the zodiac forms an undeniable  story told in a series of pictures, something we call a “pictograph”.  It is the story of human life on this planet.   It is the history of human civilization written in the stars by the ancients going all the way back to humanity’s infancy, approximately 21,700 bce.  Among other things, the zodiac tells us that human civilization was devastated by comet impacts around 10,800 bce.

Joe says his book demonstrates, “beyond any reasonable doubt”, that the zodiac is the true “story of us” written in the stars.

Want to know more?  Log into Joe’s Springfield Library Zoom discussion on August 23rd at 7 PM and all will be revealed---or buy the book!



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